The purpose of this blog is to capture some of the high lights and low lights of just normal day to day life. Our life is loud, busy, and fast, but we love it!


A Day at Reid Park Zoo

What's a family of six to do on a Memorial Day weekend??? How about a trip to the Reid Park Zoo with friends and family and then a bbq and pool time?!?! Perfection.

We headed down early to the zoo since Emma was up early and would nap in the car (well, at least a little).  The weather was perfect, not too hot....maybe not great for swimming, but still perfect.  Because we arrived earlier than everyone else we took the girls over to the park adjacent to the zoo and let them play.  I am glad we has time to do this because it was not an option after since there is no covering over the equipment it got rather hot.

Such a happy Leah when she can run around, climb, and yell!  The trifecta of fun for her!

She seems to have learned how to pump at 3 years old.  Awesome.

Mayah feeding a giraffe.  All three girls love doing this.  

Nanny, David, and Leah feeding a giraffe. 

Emma just along for the ride.....well, until she conned Nanny into picking her up.

New elephant exhibit.

Right up close!

Leah riding the elephant like it's a horse! Yee-haw!

Playing African instruments.

The new polar bear. She has a skin disease they are hoping to cure with the dry air here.

Emma and Nanny checking out the ducks.

Momma Duck and her four ducklings. 
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