The purpose of this blog is to capture some of the high lights and low lights of just normal day to day life. Our life is loud, busy, and fast, but we love it!


Mayah's Hair

I love long hair on my girls! I know many moms who hate the upkeep of it so they cut it, but I just couldn't. Though, Chiara is donating her hair in a couple weeks, I prefer their hair long...while they can. We never really know how long Mayah's hair is because of all those curly locks.  I had no idea that those cute curls actually take her hair up several inches.  

This is the second time we have straightened her hair with the hot iron to see how long it is.  WOW!  Not only do the curls make her hair significantly shorter, but she looks so much older to David and I when her hair is straight.  

We have always said that the curls suit Mayah's personality perfectly....the straight hair is just not her.  Regardless of the style she is simply gorgeous.
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