The purpose of this blog is to capture some of the high lights and low lights of just normal day to day life. Our life is loud, busy, and fast, but we love it!


Just some thoughts....

Well, I have not been on for some time....I wonder why??!! Maybe it is because I have 3 kids and by the end of the day I am DONE...d.o.n.e. I do love being a mom-even the bad stuff I can manage....I did not say well, but I do manage. Yes, I can admit (quietly) that I take on too much. In my head I can do all these things and accomplish so much-when the day is done and I ahve gotten barely half done I am bummed. Tonight when talking with my wonderful husband I finally realized I am constantly setting myself up to fail. I don't do all that I do for anybody-I am NOT out to impress. I could care less what others think-if I am up to par or not. At the end of the day I need to be able to rest at night(not sleep, rest). With that being is to a new season of taking on less.
Tonight before bed Chiara looked at me and told me I was the best mom....I'll take it. A good day is measured by the amount of joy we have when we go to bed...Chiara made sure to fill my tank! Good kid!
I have yet to get a post about Disney Land.....I may not get to it. Sorry. I am planning school and getting ready for our trip out east. So much planning....
Enough from me for now.....

1 comment:

  1. Ah Jen, You are a wonderful mommy. I am so glad to know you. I love that you tell it like it is and you stay honest. That's what makes you a great person & a great blogger. I think a lot of us mommy's feel that way. Setting our selves up for failure cause we load more than whats humanly possible to finnish in a day onto our plates. And we beat ourselves up for not getting it all done. My hubby told me not to loose sight of why I am home. He said you are home for the girls. You don't need to have everything perfect when I get home. As long as there is something to eat and you girls have all had a good day, then I am happy.
    Love you Jen! Praying God gives you the rest a busy mommy needs. Have a great trip east! Praying for Safe Travels.


Loving Thoughts.....