The purpose of this blog is to capture some of the high lights and low lights of just normal day to day life. Our life is loud, busy, and fast, but we love it!


Not a Peanut....A Pea!

Finally have my camera back!!! I was starting to feel like I was missing part of me. 
Thankfully there are not too many events that I missed. 

My sweet Emma Lynne has turned 15 months old.  Tick, tick, tick goes the clock.  How is it the first few years FLY by????  

At 15 months old Emma is everywhere! Up and down the stairs...inside and outside.....faster and faster every day!  She is demanding of my time and everyone's attention.  Her lungs work VERY well.  She eats just about everything put in front of her...unless of course she is having momentary vegetarianism.    She laughs, explores, loves putting things in and taking things out.  Her most favorite activity is 'reading' books. She prefers Mama to hold her and Daddy to "whisper" her to sleep.  She yells for Leah....all the time.

Her big sisters and I took her to her 15 month well check this week.  I thought for sure she would finally make 20 pounds on the scale.  Surely.  Surely not.  She did not even make 19 lbs!  She was 18 lbs and 15.5 oz.  Hilarious.   She is 30 inches long and very healthy.  She is making her own curve....waaaaay outside the curve! We used to call her big sister Mayah "peanut" because she was so tiny.  Well, if that was tiny and Emma beats that then I have decided she is a pea....a SweetPea.
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