The purpose of this blog is to capture some of the high lights and low lights of just normal day to day life. Our life is loud, busy, and fast, but we love it!


What Bubbles Can Do

My Mom's parents sent the girls a bubble machine in the mail today. Did they know they were sending a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. All 3 girls were out there dancing around, laughing, catching bubbles, singing....completely capturing childhood innocence and bliss in a moment of time. Before I took pictures I just soaked it in.....breathed it really only get to feel like that for a short time in life. A good reminder to sometimes dance with bubbles even when you are a big kid!

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  1. Your girls are so pretty! What a fun childhood they are being brought up in! May they love the Lord and serve Him all of their days!

  2. These are some of the best pictures I have ever seen. You can see pure joy on their faces. I have always said the bubbles are like crack for kids. They love it and they cant get enough. I dont know what it is about bubbles but they really are a great childhood thing.

  3. Those photos really are great and capture some great memories and times being made!

    Enjoy every second! Time goes by very quickly!

    Bubbles are GRRRRRREAT! :)


Loving Thoughts.....