The purpose of this blog is to capture some of the high lights and low lights of just normal day to day life. Our life is loud, busy, and fast, but we love it!


It's a New Day!

Well, here I go! January 2010....what?! David and I talked a lot this past week about time going by, and how long we have been a couple. Makes me smile. Makes me happy beyond words!

Today is the first day of a new daily schedule. I used to have a written out schedule when Chiara was younger and then got away from all of it. I am a very flexible person and even anticipate having to change some of our routine, but I need-craving- a schedule. It is in my blood. Order. It gives me peace in the chaos of raising three little kids. I am ok with days where you throw out the schedule and just 'be', but for the most part I need one in this house.
So far, so great! I was able to get up at 5:30 AM, shower, see and talk (AND KISS) with David, get ready, having coffee all before my girls woke up (as I am writing this at 6:45AM).
Well, now it has officially begun and I need to get off of here!

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